IEEE Senior Member, TCCT Member(//tcct.amss.ac.cn/group/mac.html)
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2021.12-至今,中国地质大学,澳门彩票有限公司手机版 ,机械工程系,系主任
2021.06-至今,中国地质大学,澳门彩票有限公司手机版 ,机械工程系,教授
2018.07-2021.12,中国地质大学,澳门彩票有限公司手机版 ,机械工程系,副系主任
2017.02-2021.04,中国地质大学,澳门彩票有限公司手机版 ,机械工程系,副教授
2016.02-2016.03,日本神户大学,Luo Zhiwei教授机器人实验室,学术访问
担任IEEE TAC、Automatica等期刊审稿人;获得IJRNC、JFI、AJC等多个国际期刊审稿奖项
受邀担任第38届中国控制会议的Section Co-Chair;受邀担任第45届IEEE工业电子学会年会的Special Section Organizer;受邀为ICMES 2017的Keynote Speaker;受邀于第22 届中国国际机电产品博览会主题论坛作特邀报告
Section Editor, Science Progress (SAGE Journals)
Associate Editor, Electronics Letters (IET)
Associate Editor, International Journal of Dynamics and Control (Springer)
Associate Editor, Cyber-Physical Systems (Taylor & Francis Online)
Editor Board Member, Complex Engineering Systems (OAE Publishing Inc.)
Guest Editor, Special Issue “Challenges and Research Trends of Distributed Control and Optimization”, Energies (MDPI)
Guest Editor, Special Issue “Distributed Computing and Intelligent Control of Networked Systems”, Algorithms (MDPI)
M.-F. Ge, Z.-W. Liu, L. Ding. Impulsive control of multi-agent systems with partial information. In: Handbook of Real-Time Computing. Springer, 2019, doi: 10.1007/978-981-4585-87-3_18-1. (Book Chapter)
J. Liu, Y. Xu, K. Zhou, M.-F. Ge*. Fault diagnosis and failure prognosis in hydraulic systems. In: Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis Techniques for Complex Engineering Systems. Elsevier, 2021, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-822473-1.00011-2. (Book Chapter)
M.-F. Ge, Z.-H. Guan, B. Hu, D.-X. He, R.-Q. Liao. Distributed controller-estimator for target tracking of networked robotic systems under sampled interaction. Automatica, 2016, 69: 410-417. (SCI, IF=5.944)
M.-F. Ge, Z.-W. Liu, G. Wen, X. Yu, T. Huang. Hierarchical controller-estimator for coordination of networked Euler-Lagrange systems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, 50(6): 2450-2461. (ESI highly cited paper, SCI, IF=11.448)
Z. Hu, Y. Wang, M.-F. Ge, J. Liu. Data-driven fault diagnosis method based on compressed sensing and improved multiscale network. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(4): 3216-3225. (ESI highly cited paper, SCI, IF=8.236)
L. Wang, Z. Zeng, M.-F. Ge. A disturbance rejection framework for finite-time and fixed-time stabilization of delayed memristive neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021, 51(2): 905-915. (ESI highly cited paper, SCI, IF=13.451)
L. Wang, T. Dong, M.-F. Ge. Finite-time synchronization of memristor chaotic systems and its application in image encryption. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 347: 293-305. (ESI highly cited paper, SCI, IF=4.091)
J.-Z. Xu, M.-F. Ge*, Z.-W. Liu, W.-Y. Zhang, W. Wei. Force-reflecting hierarchical approach for human-aided teleoperation of NRS with event-triggered local communication. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(3): 2843-2854. (SCI, IF=8.236)
C.-D. Liang, M.-F. Ge*, Z.-W. Liu, X.-S. Zhan, Ju H. Park. Predefined-time stabilization of T-S fuzzy systems: A novel integral sliding mode based approach. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2022.3152834. (SCI, IF=12.029)
C.-D. Liang, M.-F. Ge*, Z.-W. Liu, Y.-W. Wang, B. Li. Multitarget tracking for multiple Lagrangian plants with input-to-output redundancy and sampled-data interactions. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2021.3129823. (SCI, IF=13.451)
C.-D. Liang, M.-F. Ge*, J.-Z. Xu, Z.-W. Liu, F. Liu. Secure and privacy-preserving formation control for networked marine surface vehicles with sampled-data interactions. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3133902. (SCI, IF=5.978)
T.-F. Ding, M.-F. Ge*, Z.-W. Liu, Y.-W. Wang, H.-R. Karimi. Discrete-communication-based bipartite tracking of networked robotic systems via hierarchical hybrid control. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2020, 67(4): 1402-1412. (SCI, IF=3.605)
C.-D. Liang, M.-F. Ge*, Z.-W. Liu, Y.-W. Wang, H.-R. Karimi. Output multiformation tracking of networked heterogeneous robotic systems via finite-time hierarchical control. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021, 51(6): 2893-2904. (SCI, IF=11.448)
T.-F. Ding, M.-F. Ge*, Z.-W. Liu, Y.-W. Wang, H.-R. Karimi. Lag-bipartite formation tracking of networked robotic systems over directed matrix-weighted signed graphs. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2020.3034108. (SCI, IF=11.448)
Y.-D. Wu, M.-F. Ge*, Z.-W. Liu, W.-Y. Zhang, W. Wei. Distributed CPS-Based secondary control of microgrids with optimal power allocation and limited communication. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022, 13(1): 82-95. (SCI, IF=8.960)
L. Wang, H. He, Z. Zeng, M.-F. Ge. Model-independent formation tracking of multiple Euler-Lagrange systems via bounded inputs. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021, 51(5): 2813-2823. (SCI, IF=11.448)
Y. Zhai, Z.-W. Liu, M.-F. Ge, G. Wen, X. Yu, Y. Qin. Trusted-region subsequence reduction for designing resilient consensus algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021, 8(1): 259-268. (SCI, IF=3.894)
X.-Y. Yao, Ju H. Park, H.-F. Ding, M.-F. Ge. Coordination of a class of underactuated systems via sampled-data-based event-triggered schemes. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2020.3048201. (SCI, IF= 13.451)
X.-Y. Yao, Ju H. Park, H.-F. Ding, M.-F. Ge. Event-triggered consensus control for networked underactuated robotic systems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2020.3025604. (SCI, IF= 11.448)
M. Li, W. Wei, Y. Chen, M.-F. Ge, J. P. S. Catalao. Learning the optimal strategy of power system operation with varying renewable generations. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TSTE.2021.3088951. (SCI, IF=7.521)
L. Wang, S. Jiang, M.-F. Ge, C. Hu, J. Hu. Finite-/fixed-time synchronization of memristor chaotic systems and image encryption application. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TCSI.2021.3121555. (SCI, IF=3.605)
L. Zhong, M.-F. Ge, S. Zhang, Y. Liu. Rate aware fuzzy clustering and stable sensor association for loading balancing in WSNs. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(5): 3559-3573. (SCI, IF= 9.471)
X. Tu, W. Xie, Z. Chen, M.-F. Ge, T. Huang, C. Song, H.-Y. Fu. Analysis of deep neural network models for inverse design of silicon photonic grating coupler. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021, 39(9): 2790-2799. (SCI, IF= 4.142)
M.-F. Ge, Y. Liu, X. Jiang, J. Liu. A review on state of health estimations and remaining useful life prognostics of lithium-ion batteries. Measurement, 2021, 174: 109057. (SCI, IF=3.927)
M.-F. Ge, Z.-H. Guan, C. Yang, C.-Y. Chen, D.-F. Zheng, M. Chi. Task-space coordinated tracking of multiple heterogeneous manipulators via controller-estimator approaches. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2016, 353(15): 3722-3738. (SCI, IF=4.504)
M.-F. Ge, Z.-H. Guan, C. Yang, T. Li, Y.-W. Wang. Time-varying formation tracking of multiple manipulators via distributed finite-time control. Neurocomputing, 2016, 202: 20-26. (SCI, IF=5.719)
M.-F. Ge, C.-H. Xiong, Z.-W. Liu, J. Liu, X.-W. Zhao. Coordinated tracking for networked robotic systems via model-free controller-estimator algorithms. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354: 5646-5666. (SCI, IF=4.504)
M.-F. Ge, Z. Ge, H. Pan, Y. Liu, Y. Xu, J. Liu. A deep condition feature learning approach for rotating machinery based on MMSDE and optimized SAEs. Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32: 035101. (SCI, IF=2.046)
J.-Z. Xu, M.-F. Ge*, G. Ling, F. Liu, J.-H. Park. Hierarchical predefined-time control of teleoperation systems with state and communication constraints. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021, 31: 9652–9675. (SCI, IF= 4.406)
J.-W. Dong, C.-D. Liang, M.-F. Ge*, T.-F. Ding, X.-W. Zhao, Z.-W. Liu. Finite-time multi-target tracking of networked Euler-Lagrange systems via hierarchical active disturbance rejection control. International Journal of Control, 2021, doi: 10.1080/00207179.2021.1934548. (SCI, IF= 2.888)
C.-D. Liang, M.-F. Ge*, Z.-W. Liu, G. Ling, F. Liu. Predefined-time formation tracking control of networked marine surface vehicles. Control Engineering Practice, 2021, 107: 104682. (SCI, IF= 3.475)
G. Ling, M.-F. Ge*, X. Liu, G. Xiao, Q. Fan. Stochastic quasi-synchronization of heterogeneous delayed impulsive dynamical networks via single impulsive control. Neural Networks, 2021, 139: 223-236. (SCI, IF= 8.050)
T.-F. Ding, M.-F. Ge*, C.-H. Xiong*, J.-H. Park. Bipartite consensus for networked robotic systems with quantized-data interactions. Information Sciences, 2020, 511: 229-242. (SCI, IF= 6.795)
J.-Z. Xu, M.-F. Ge*, T.-F. Ding, C.-D. Liang, Z.-W. Liu. Neuro-adaptive fixed-time trajectory tracking control for human-in-the-loop teleoperation with mixed communication delays. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2020, 14(19): 3193-3203. (SCI, IF= 3.527)
Y.-D. Wu, M.-F. Ge*, T.-F. Ding, C.-Y. Chen, G. Ling. Task-space bipartite tracking of networked robotic systems via hierarchical finite-time control. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 100: 3469-3483. (SCI, IF= 5.022)
T.-F. Ding, M.-F. Ge*, C.-H. Xiong*, J.-H. Park, M. Li. Second-order bipartite consensus for networked robotic systems with quantized-data interactions and time-varying transmission delays. ISA Transactions, 2021, 108: 178-187. (SCI, IF= 5.468)
X.-Y. Yao, H.-F. Ding*, M.-F. Ge*. Task-space tracking control of multi-robot systems with disturbances and uncertainties rejection capability. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92: 1649-1664. (SCI, IF=5.022)
M. Li, C. Mao, M.-F. Ge*, J. Gan. Data-driven iterative feedforward control with rational parametrization: Achieving optimality for varying tasks. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019, 356: 6352-6372. (SCI, IF=4.504)
X.-Y. Yao, H.-F. Ding*, M.-F. Ge*. Synchronization control for multiple heterogeneous robotic systems with parameter uncertainties and communication delays. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019, 356: 9713-9729. (SCI, IF=4.504)
C.-D. Liang, L. Wang, X.-Y. Yao, Z.-W. Liu, M.-F. Ge*. Multi-target tracking of networked heterogeneous collaborative robots in task space. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 97: 1159-1173. (SCI, IF= 5.022)
X.-Y. Yao, H. Ding*, M.-F. Ge*. Fully distributed control for task-space formation tracking of nonlinear heterogeneous robotic systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 96: 87-105. (SCI, IF= 5.022)
J.-J. He, Y.-Q. Lin, M.-F. Ge*, C.-D. Liang, T.-F. Ding. Adaptive finite-time cluster synchronization of neutral-type coupled neural networks with mixed delays. Neurocomputing, 2020, 384: 11-20. (SCI, IF=5.719)
G. Ling, M.-F. Ge*, Y.-H. Tong, Q. Fan. Exponential synchronization of delayed switching genetic oscillator networks via mode-dependent partial impulsive control. Neural Processing Letters, 2021, 53: 1845-1863. (SCI, IF=2.908)
J.-J. He, H. Chen, M.-F. Ge*, T.-F. Ding, L. Wang, C.-D. Liang. Adaptive finite-time quantized synchronization of complex dynamical networks with quantized time-varying delayed couplings. Neurocomputing, 2021, 431: 90-99. (SCI, IF=5.719)
C.-D. Liang, M.-F. Ge*, Z.-W. Liu, G. Ling, X.-W. Zhao. A novel sliding surface design for predefined-time stabilization of Euler-Lagrange systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 106: 445-458. (SCI, IF= 5.022)
K.-L. Huang, M.-F. Ge*, C.-D. Liang, J.-W. Dong, X.-W. Zhao. Hierarchical predefined-time control for time-varying formation tracking of multiple heterogeneous Euler-Lagrange agents. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 105: 3255-3270. (SCI, IF= 5.022)